Today I don't care if I eat a half pound of cheese cake and hate myself afterwards
Today I don't care if my eyes are puffy from crying all night, or if my masscara is running down my cheeks
Today I don't care if I have hairy legs and armpits,because I didn't feel like shaving
Today I don't care if I don't talk to any one
Today I don't care if people see me vulnerable,scared,and hurting
Today I don't care if the sun shinned or not because inside it wasn't anyway
Today I don't care if every thing got done or not
Today I don't care about the physical pain because the emotional pain hurts way worse
Today I don't care if I drink too much pop or eat too much candy
Today I don't care if my head hurts so bad I feel like it's going to explode
Today I don't care if my mind won't stop thinking and wondering why I don't care
Today I just don't care. Today I am numb. Today I need to be numb.
Today I don't care because I can't care. If I do I will fall apart and loose myself.